
What are some insider tips I should know about living in London?

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In January, I'm moving to London for a study abroad opportunity through my University. However, I am starting to prepare for my big move. I have all of my living arrangements panned out (I have a flat in Paddington with one of my sorority sisters) so I don't have to worry about those necessarily.

But I was just wondering if anyone could give me ANY tips on ANYTHING just to make the adjustment a tad bit easier. Even on if it's to avoid a certain restaurant. ;c)




  1. I presume you know about the Oyster card for travelling on London Transport ... details on Transport for London website ... there's maps of the underground and bus routes on there too ... check out whether you're eligible for a student Oyster card

    be careful about eating out too much, even a nice cup of capuccino is going to cost around £2 ... try to eat at home as much as possible and maybe think about taking packed lunches

    save your money for as many trips out of London as you can afford ... obviously you want to see the attractions etc in London but there are some lovely towns and cities within easy reach to explore, e.g. Oxford, Cambridge, Canterbury, Hertford, Brighton, St Albans, Bath etc etc ... in London there's quite a lot to do for free such as all the major museums ... Time Out magazine has lots of listings ... you can buy student discount cards for both the trains and the coaches which should make journeys cheaper

    trains -

    coaches -

    I wouldn't advise you walking alone late at night in the Paddington area ... there's quite a lot of prostitutes in that area in the evening and you don't want to get accosted ... in general try to be "inner city streetwise" and keep your wits about you

    get used to the fact that London is not particularly English ... you'll find just about every nationality under the sun here

  2. Carina touched on a lot of excellent points - London is the least 'British' place in the world. It is a centerpointe for the whole planet - a fact which I most!!

    Defintly understand busses and the tube. Don't be afraid to ask if you are going in the right direction and how late it runs BACK to where you need to be.

    Be prepared to spend a LOT of money. Even if your courses and board are taken care of by your university, you are going to spend a LOT of money.

    Get out  - all the time. London is amazingly walkable. Despite there being a tube stop about every 500 metres, you can walk practically the whole darn thing.

    Make friends who know what they are talking about. Don't just wonder into a neighborhood because it sounds romantic - make sure you know where you are going.

    Get a mobile ASAP! You won't be able to live with out it. Coming from another place you may want to just go with pre-pay - so you don't have to get out of a contract at the end of your term.

    Try everything! Even if you are sure you won't like it or will be bored with it - try every cuisine, type of theatre, tour, etc.

    Its okay to be amazed. I get annoyed with tourists who try to be 'unimpressed' with the majesty of England. Most of the city you will be living in is older than the whole of the United States - that is awesome!! Be impressed. Touch walls, investigate corners, etc.

    Have a great time!! Best of luck with your studies!

  3. The most important thing to know bout London is that it is EXPENSIVE!!!!!!! The prices in this city are literally unreal, believe me. It is ranked number one for most expensive city, no joke. Better start saving up if you're paying for yourself because prices will blow your mind. Especially if you are using US dollars because the exchange rate is TERRIBLE. It takes two US dollars to make 1 British pound, and probably even worse since you're in a famous capital city (exchange rates are worse in tourist cities). So you basically lose half or more of your money. Example: A hamburger from mcdonalds is 7 POUNDS! That's 14 BUCKS FOR A HAMBEURGER!!! I advise you to save up and be ready to spend. Good luck!!!

    Hope this helped!

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