
What are some instant ways to lift my spirits and self esteem?

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I'm feeling like c**p right now. What can I do? Something is happening in my life that is making me feel really bad about myself. It's very complex. Anyway, I want to get past it as much as possible because I have to work in a few days and I don't want anything in my messed up life to affect my job performance. I feel like I'm about to cry. What should I do now? I don't have anyone to call and even if I did, it's not something I can easily talk about. Please help me.




  1. be grateful.   you need to be grateful for everything you have and remember that it will get better.   email me if you want.

  2. Call a friend that can make you laugh

    So anyway this guy goes over his friends house and sees his friends dog l*****g it's p***s

    The guy says "Wow man I wish I could do that"

    To which his friend says"Yeah But he would probably bite  you"

  3. try thinking of happy times, good times you spent with friends, times where you thought nothing could make you happier

  4. Go to any local book shop, ask for a book ALCHEMIST , read & then you will know.

    ** Life is beautiful, it is not worth to waste a single day worrying about past or fearing about future, it is just the present, live it

    ** dont worry be happy!!!

    Last but not least, there is nothing instant about any thing, especially esteem, build it with experience & you may never have to ask this Q to any one.

    God Is Great!!! any GOD!!!

  5. you need people to talk to, even if its not about your problems, you at least need friends to chat with. if you really don't have anyone like that and don't know how to make one, try this. early in the morning, try going to a small resterant early in the morning and just order breakfest. i don't know why, but it is really easy to meet great people in breakfest diners. just an idea. anyway, the sun will come out tommorow for sure, you can always count on that

  6. Try to take a positive attitude towards life, write a gratitude journal, acknowlege people who make your life better, look for the best in others, try reconciliation or forgiveness, observe the social niceties, listen to uplifting music, smile more, relax and show some confidence in what you are doing.

    You can also engage in some activity like a simple walk, bike riding,

    go on a picnic, hiking, taking your dog out for a stroll, bird feeding, running, kite flying, etc.  

  7. what works for me when im feeling like that is seriously letting everything out and cry.then thats the least of your problems.

  8. masturbation !

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