
What are some interesting Australian customs?

by  |  earlier

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Visiting, any tips?




  1. Go to

  2. When you are invited to someones home for a meal, "take a plate".

    But do not do what some newcomers do, and take an "empty plate" with you, thinking they don't have enough plates. (Trust me, it does happen)

    When they invite you and say "bring a plate", they actually mean "bring a plate of food to share".

  3. When you enter a bar it is polite to buy everyone already there a drink.  It is called "shouting".

  4. Most of the Australian tips are listed here

    - includes about Aussie food, our culture, -flora and fauna and much more

    Don't forget to try An Aussie meat pie and vegemite while here !

  5. Wrestling crocodiles, punch-ups with kangaroos.

  6. shouting a round at the bar and taking a plate are both typical australian customs.

    "taking the p**s" is another australian custom, i.e. teasing somone

    giving someone "a fair go" is another australian custom, i.e. giving someone a fair chance/opportunity

  7. baiting yanks to see if they bite

  8. When we are walking through the bush, swinging the corks around our hats and carolling "Waltzing Matilda" in a quaint accent, we often have a competition to see who is the best at dodging the notorious "drop bears" that leap out of trees onto people's heads. Of course the loser of the contest never comes home.

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