
What are some interesting careers in the field of biology?

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i really like the outdoors, animals, and the environment. i also love anything to do with cells, and **** like that. :)




  1. The field of biology is very broad.  Considering your love for animals you could perhaps go to Veterinarian school.  If you love cells and all that you may also want to consider a career in microbiology.  The field of biology is both very wide and to me interesting.

  2. You should be a marine biologist, especially if you like traveling to exotic places and scuba diving (and being paid to do so).  You should consider getting your doctorate at the Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institute.

    You won't be rich.  In fact, you'll be poor compared to all your college friends.  But you'll be incredibly happy....

  3. Testing animals for disease is an option. LOL . But honestly  I think being a marine biologist would be really cool.

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