
What are some interesting facts about your life?

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Hey, this is Danny Orchard. I asked this questions because i have a lot of interesting things to share but 1st i would like u guys to share anything which you felt was interesting in your life.

So take your time to answer this question coz besides that 10 points i will also give the thumps up thingie to evrybody who answers is even sort of interesting.




  1. uhm... well.

    I just graduated high school, I sleep way too much probably, I think black is an elegant and sophisticated color unlike the tons of people who think it means you're goth (pfft), I change my underwear like 7 times a day, and.... I watch the golden girls reruns when there is nothing else on. :] have a good day.

  2. -16 yrs old

    -Born in Pakistan

    -First came to America in June of 1995

    -Live in the greatest city in the world

    -Die hard Cubs fan

    -4.29 GPA

    -Basketball is the greatest game ever invented in human history

    -Favorite NBA player is either Kobe, Derrick Rose, or Dirk Nowitski

    -That's all I can think of

  3. skateboarding vandelism, 2 possession of marijuana charges almost got a third one but i put it between my buttcheeks when the cops were searching us!!, petty theft, after graduating high school i went to Maui with 5 other friends and lived in a tent for two of those months we surfed and jumped off of waterfalls and cliffs, spent two months in Miami loved the topless beach there and the clubbing, Oh yeah and I killed a man.

  4. i was little red riding hood in a school play! awesome right!

  5. I won a huge lottery last year and I found this the most interestig thing in my life :)

    God bless

  6. Here's one.

    I wrote a answer for this. Nice and long and kinda personal. After one hour - had a sudden change of heart - came online and edited it completely.


    Well - a few other - 'weird/interesting' things about me:

    - Born brought up in India and my Hindi is atrocious

    - I often stay awake till 4 am reading a book

    - I find myself at random moments itching to try and solve mathematics questions or equations even though I'm done with maths

    - I love writing (insanely) and barely write

    - Most of my answers here are honest ones and I really try to help and not just answer for 2 points... Unless of course it's something extremely - silly.

    - I have, on several occasions been called 'kooky' or 'mad' in the fondest-warmest of ways :)

  7. i moved 5 times

    i lived in 5 different states

  8. I'm 6'5".

    I weigh 330.

    I am a psychopath. (but very nice)

    I was attacked by a dog and suffered over 28 bite holes all in my right hand and didn't yell out in pain.

    I have no heart.

    I have no remorse.

    I can manipulate people easily.

    I lie very well when i need to.

    I have a strong sense of loyalty.

    I have VERY bad depression.

    And I am the lone wolf.

  9. alotta thngs but i dont have to go to school 2morrow cause of the hurricane!!!

  10. oh snap...I still a 25 year old virgin. Its due to my religious beliefs..need to be married.

  11. i have school tommorow... lol

  12. my grandparents left the Czech republic in the late 60's It took me a while to become a US citizen,

    I bought my house and paid cash for it, $250k

    I have 7 cats and 2 dogs

    2 sons

    I speak 4 languages, Czech, Solovick, Polish & English

    Im scared to death of Goats

    I dont eat meat only seafood

    I dunno I guess Im kinda boring

  13. im native hawaiian yet i speak german.

  14. My mother was a drug addict ..& i witnessed alot of crazy things.

    She burned the house down, almost crashed the car & cursed out everyone who loooked at her funny. :/

    She is now in jail & i am living  with a new family who has completely changed my life..

    I am thankful for my life, it has made me the person i am today. I love it. The good & the bad. :/

  15. 1-i don't eat red meat/seafood

    2-i have 16 pets (ok, ok, they are all fish except a dachshund and a lovebird)

    3-i have been scuba diving twice

    4-i hate cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, mustard, and just about any other condiment. i like my salad completely plain or with just a little bit of italian

    5-i can vibrate my eyes back and forth, haha it freaks people out

    6-i have never been to south dakota

    7-i'm scared of elevators and clowns

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