
What are some interesting topics for research in the field of behavioral neurobiology?

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theses for an ongoing undergraduate experimental research project




  1. The first thing that comes to my mind is all the research on Alzheimer's and the associated behaviors as differentiated from vascular dementia.

    But, the Rockefeller University - Laboratory of Behavioral Neurobiology is doing research on eating behavior and alcohol consumption.

    Also, the Cellular and Behavioral Neurobiology Ph.D. program, University of Oklahoma has many programs and courses related to cellular and behavioral neurobiology.

    Child and adolescent behaviors at U of Alabama-Birmingham.                        

    Can't think of much more.

  2. I worked in a lab that did MRI study on the brain to see the result of drug use.  We injected people with drugs to see how the brain reacted

  3. Is anxiety inherited?

    I have a husband with panic anxiety.  One of our two kids is like a deer in headlights and is really anxious too while the other is easy going like myself.

  4. Here is one that I am personally curious about.

    Is there a connection between crawling and learning?  Do children who do not crawl - either because parents put them in a walker or they are just very early walkers - have language difficulties? Is this because the developing brain needs the side-to-side motion provided by crawling?  Does this motion make connections in the brain that are later needed to develop reading skills which utilize side-to-side eye movement?

    I am just a mom and was once a pre-school teacher not a nueroscientist but it seems to me that males who walk early have more reading difficulties.

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