
What are some issues I can write about to maryland's congressman/woman?

by Guest56627  |  earlier

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?? something i can write a lot about...




  1. How about why Governor O'Malley is handing out drivers licenses and ID's to illegal immigrants like they were candy. Anyone can get an ID from MD,no matter what their legal status. I think this is an enormous problem for your state. Since I have become aware of this I will no longer spend any of my vacation dollars in MD,and I went to Ocean City every year since I was a teen. My friends are the same. I will not allow any of my money going to a state who's Governor has such little regard for the safety of the country.

  2. Yeah. You should ask your congressperson to do something about how colleges and universities scam their students into overpaying for unncessary books.

    Check out this question or search for questions that include keywords like: college scam and textbooks. There is plenty to write about, and its a very specific problem so that will make it easier to write. It's better than writing about crime or terrorism, because individual members of Congress have very little to do with either.

    For example, in order to address crime you could only write about police funding for each city.

  3. I would say one of the most important bills in the house right now is the Jubilee Act.  Basically, it seeks to end all illegally incurred and unpayable debt to third world and developing nations.  the idea is that most nations that are in debt today got in debt under a dictatorship and therefore it's not really the nation's debt, it's the dictators debt.  a lot of these countries are democracies now but they are struggling to pay off debt to World Bank and the IMF and they simply can't do it and frankly they shouldn't have to.  think about it:  how would you like to struggle for years to oust a violent dictator from your home only to inherit his debt when the day is done?

    canceling their debt would obviously benefit them: less poverty, more education and opportunity etc. but it would also benefit us because we could begin to ease up on providing so much aid and $$ to so many impoverished nations.  it would also make the global economy much more stable in the long run.  also, it's good for the environment because, right now, countries in debt will do ANYTHING to get out of it, regardless of the long-term risks to health and environment.  canceling unpayable debt will most likely end the destruction of the rain forest (brazil has some of the most impressive environmental protection laws on the planet but they can't afford to enforce them and they don't want to because they need they forestry & agriculture revenue to pay off their debt) and it will be a big step toward ending our dependency on iraqi oil.  as debts are canceled heretofor impoverished nations will step up and become players in the new clean-energy economy.

    yes, i'd say the Jubilee Act is definitely the most important bill in congress today for anyone who is dreaming about a better, brighter future for all.

  4. Violent radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and why it is passing..... they can arrest us for our thoughts if this passes

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