
What are some issues in society that I could do research on?

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I'm entering the YES (Young Epidemiology Scholars) competition, and I'm trying to figure out an issue in our society that I could help research. Maybe something not many people know about, or something very common.

Some things I were considering were:

-The negative effects of abortion on the mother

-Drinking (alcoholic beverages)

-Drinking (caffeine)

Any ideas?

Thanks :)




  1. Illegal aliens and the effects of extradition on their children.

    ( In other words, what do children of illegal aliens face when they are uprooted out of the US)

    Do state lotteries really help education?

    What happens to people when they have to foreclose on their homes?

    (What type of hardship do they face? What happens to their financial status?)

    How does teen drug abuse affect the family?

    What are the consequences of drug abuse at an early age?

    How child beauty pageants affect the self-esteem of the participants later in life?

    Those are some that require a little research and patience.

    Hope that helped.

    Good luck!

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