
What are some issues that you don't think you can sway people on?

by  |  earlier

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In other words, do you think that there are some issues (religion, politics), etc. that you just can't change people's minds on?




  1. Human evolving, there's no changing a beer drinker

    into a wine connoisseur. Our culture is based on

    emotions not intellect, not that we can't learn, but if

    given a choice, as a species, most would rather be

    entertained than educated . . .

    Simply put, i doubt any one would feed a 5 month old

    baby a Budwiser and a wendy's triple classic meal

    with the works, instead of Gerber's strained carrots

    or peas, and yet as adults, intellectually speaking,

    Gerbers MacDonald and Budwiser, are not only one

    in the same, but sononymus with another word,

    human evolution . . .

    take care . . .

  2. Religion


    Sexual Orientation

    Racial Tolerance

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