
What are some jobs 13 yr olds can do.?

by  |  earlier

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on week days and during school year and stuff.




  1. You can get a paper route, or help your elderly neighbors.

  2. Babysitting. Delivering newspapers. Umping little league or reffing pee-wee soccer. Washing cars. Mowing lawns. Shoveling snow. Walking dogs.

  3. I'm 13, and I tutor. I go to a friends house, who has twin daughters in 2nd grade who have trouble reading. They read to me, and I correct them. They get good practice, and learn a lot.

    I make $20 an hour, and I do it Mondays and Tuesdays every I make $40 a week. IT ROX!!!!

  4. Babysitting, dog walking/watching, yard work, random chores, selling jewerley/crafts/etc, mother's helper

  5. babysitting for younger brothers or sisters. you can't really do anything legit

  6. chic-fil-a

  7. do what im doing,wait till your b-day to get a working permit.

  8. Paper route is the best bet.

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