
What are some jobs for 13 year olds? ?

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I am looking for work so i have something to do during the weekends and summer that is useful instead of going to all my friend's houses.




  1. The only things you can do are to do business for yourself such as going door to door and mowing lawns.  Babysitting.  Snow shoveling.  Things like that.  

    You are too young to be able to get a real job until you are 16. But when you turn 15, you can get a work permit and start a job.

  2. ice-cream shop  

  3. baby sitting would be about it because of child labor laws, you can't legally work until you are 16.  Or do odd jobs for your parents and neighbors

  4. If you are under 16 then you may only work at Family owned businesses or starting your own business... ie: mowing lawns, lemonade stand, any personal service, ect.  

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