
What are some jobs that are needed overseas, preferably in Europe?

by  |  earlier

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I’m looking for something to major in; right now I have no clue. I do know that I would like to get away for a while (maybe a few years). I really want to live in Europe, but of course I’d like to live comfortably. Any ideas for what I could do? I’m up for all suggestions. I was told that dental hygienists are needed, but are there any other jobs where people who speak English are desired?




  1. Here (for example) is the list for Denmark on which professionals on the "positive list" for occupations which are considered highly skilled and for which there is a greater demand in Denmark than there is supply within the EU.

    However, for the majority (if not all) you will need to speak fluent Danish.  You will also need a high level of education - up to a Masters degree (or even specialised training & local certification).  This will also apply to the same kinds of positions in every country.  As a result your choices are somewhat limited basically to the UK & Ireland on the assumption that you have this education level & training.

    The UK is also feeling the impact of the credit crunch and as a result housing prices are dropping, and companies are preparing for a downturn in the economy in general resulting in a more cautious approach to new job positions

    I am not really familiar in details, with the job situation or rules for Ireland, so maybe you could raise this question in that section for more local knowledge to help you

  2. First off all, you should change the nickname. It doesn't look good if you searching  for job.

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