
What are some jobs that make good money that are in rural places?

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What are some jobs that make good money that are in rural places?




  1. If you haven't noticed, the first two answerers are merely spammers... pay them no mind.

    I lived in a rural area up until a few weeks ago, and there were several jobs that made great money. Lawyers, obviously, do extremely well (they may not make as much as city lawyers, but it's balanced out by the much cheaper cost of living). Skilled blue-collar workers, such as plumbers, electricians, roofers, and so on often made great salaries. Also, people in the insurance business make great money. If you happened to be able to be a school administrator (principal, superintendent, etc.), they also make good salaries.

    If you are starting from an entry-level position with no specific training (ex. no law or education degree, no blue-collar skills), I would say try to become a secretary at a law firm or insurance business. One last suggestion--hairdressers can make pretty decent wages, especially if they join the right salon.

    Anyway, good luck! Rural life takes some adjusting to, but I think it's the best type there is.

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