
What are some jobs that will ALWAYS be around and will always need people?

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I have been thinking I need to get a degree in a job that will always be around and need people. Some jobs are becoming obsolete, some jobs have too much competition, and some jobs are hard to come by because so many people are in that profession. I have heard horrible stores where people who have just graduated from college had a hard time finding jobs. They will go months and months with no employment or people will graduate and they will not work be working in the field they went to college for. I dont want to end up like any of these people. Dont say a nurse, because Im not doing that.




  1. Well, yeah, a nurse.


    Elementary school teacher


    Lawyer (but there's getting to be a LOT of competition for this job)

    Computer Software Engineer

  2. Trades, like auto mechanic, plumber, electrician, etc.  You can't outsource your plumbing when the toilet quits working.  

  3. lol - i was about to 'say' nursing...others are like the entertaiment industry: journalism (writing in magazines, on-line, movie and tv scripts, newspapers), and acting, singing etc. - but those can be hard to get into.

    technicians - we are always going to need people to fix all the technology we genius people come up

    mechanics - to fix care, buses, planes, trains, boats - we are always going to need means of transportation, and the people to fix them

    polotics - the government

    police, firemen,

    construction workers

    And to make you feel better, or not depending how you look at it, searches prove that 50% of people who graduate college, don't get into the field they studied toward, so it is a pretty common thing.

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