
What are some key features in deciding on an indicator for an acid -base titration?

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What are some key features in deciding on an indicator for an acid -base titration?




  1. ph range of indicator

  2. First of all, the colour change. Some are very subtle, or take a while to change (crystal violet becomes colourless at high pH, but takes very long).

    Secondly, you need to check the acid and base strengths. You need an indicator that changes colour in the pH range where the equivalence point is reached. If the titration is between a strong acid and a weak base, for example, you need to use an indicator that changes in a pH range that is still acidic, such as methyl orange.

  3. Sharp end-point colour change. For example you wouldn't use a universal indicator as the colour changes over a wide range of pH and thus it would be difficult to determine the end-point of titration but you could use methyl red in an HCL and NaOH titration as the colour change is clear to see for the correct pH.

  4. ph paper test

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