
What are some key phrases to learn?

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I'm going to Italy in March (yay!) and am trying to learn a bit of the language before I go. I bought these Cd's that teach you Italian, and they seem to be pretty good. What are some phrases that I should makes sure I know? And, does it matter much that I can't roll my "r"? Thanks!




  1. Email Marco.

  2. if you want to keep in touch before travelling,i can help you with your italian language!

  3. Don't worry about the "r", it sounds quite cute.

    Please, where is the toilet - per favore, dove é il bagno

    Where is ......Street? - Dove é Via .....?

    How much does it cost ? - Quanto costa?

    I'ld like to buy .......  -  Vorrei comprare.......

    Could you please show me the way to.....- Mi potrebbe

                                                                              indicare la via per.

    Excuse me  -  Mi scusi

    I like that - Mi piace

    I don't like that - non mi piace

    Don't do that - non fare cosi

    Be careful ! - attenzione!

    That's nice (kind) of you - lei é molto gentile

    Thank you  - grazie

    Have a beautiful stay in Italy ( we are nice people!)

  4. i'm italian

    i advice you to not learn italian language, because the great part of english speaking turists distort in ridicolous way the italian language!

    you can speak english here

    but if you want to learn good italian, you should buy a good vocabulary where  is explained the right italian phonetic

  5. hi i'm italian

    if you want contact me by e-mail, i'll answer you


    hi= ciao

    goodmorning= buongiorno

    goodnight= buonanotte

    what's the time?= che ore sono?

    what's your name= come ti chiami?

    i'm italian and i can't roll my ''r'' too. don't worry

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