
What are some key words about morality?

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i need to find some words that would bring up information about the following questions if i typed the words into a search bar such as google

-How does morality evole?

-What kinds of influences shape our morals before or during teenagehood?

-How do morals differ between genders?

if u want to just answer the questions, thats fine, but some key words would be great =]




  1. I dont know whats up with the first answerer but i will share my opinion on this matter briefly.

    Morality evolve as our society evolve. The more society advances, the more laws there will be, because we will be finding more and more nuisance.

    Very basic ones, ie not hitting others, not bullying(verbal/ physical harassment) others, not stealing things etc. Parents, teachers and friends influence our morals. Subconsciously, we learn to fit in with others, if you are a "what society call" immoral person, you will not fit in.

    Honestly speaking, women are more moral than men. No, i am not saying all women are more moral than men, and no i am not stereotyping. My hypothesis is that women tend to be more moral because they are more aware of other people's feelings(women are more in touch with emotions -- is a proven fact).

    I think if you just type in your questions on google, you will find relatively good answers.

  2. search up lawrence kohlberg, he developed the moral stages of development, i learnt about his theories at school and they are quiet interesting.

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