
What are some known long term effects of salvia?

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It is legal. So has anyone found out any long term side effects of salvia? I mean, there has to be, if it makes you trip out intensely for couple of mins and makes you forgot that your even tripping out and believe in "that world" then it has to have. Some obvious long term effects would be that it is bad for your lungs... What else?




  1. The long-term effects of Salvia Divinorum abuse are unknown, as medical studies undertaken to examine the drug's physiological effects have focused only on short-term effects. However, information provided by abusers indicates that the negative longterm effects of Salvia Divinorum may be similar to those produced by other hallucinogens such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) including depression and schizophrenia. Some abusers also indicate that long-term abuse can cause hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, or "flashbacks." Numerous individuals report experiencing negative effects during their first experience with Salvia Divinorum and indicate that they would not use it a second time. Some others report that the drug caused them to become introverted and sometimes unable to communicate clearly.

  2. Unfortunately, Salvia has not been used in Western culture for very long, so there haven't been any long-term studies on its effects. It is legal to a degree. The states are slowly passing bills to ban it from being bought and sold, and a few countries have already banned it.

    Some people will argue that the Mazatec Indians have been using it for hundreds of years and they seem fine but we haven't studied the Indians themselves to really know how it has affected them. They also consume the plant differently then most Westerners do. They chew it and makes teas out of it, which gives them longer lasting experiences (up to 2 hours.) Westerners typically smoke it. Studies haven't been conducted to test whether Salvia smoke is carcinogenic or not. But we know that smoking anything is bad for our health.

    But I'd really be worried more about the short term effects, rather than the long term effects. When smoking high concentrated doses, your motor skills are greatly slowed down and your judgement is clouded. Some people may become violent or do things that can jeopardize their health. But as long as you're not driving or are in a safe place without any dangerous objects, you should be okay.

    I would assume that someone's personality would be slightly altered if using Salvia daily. It's a common side effect with most drugs, including marijuana.

    if you're interested in purchasing organic salvia you can check out You can buy direct or check out their salvia auctions.

    Also, there is a ton of information at

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