
What are some landforms in Honolulu, Hawaii?

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and what is the vegetation like?




  1. just to let you know mahoni. they asked for information on honolulu. which is on oahu. you gave information on maui.

  2. There are the sandy beaches, the lava fields near the volcanoes, the hot dry tundra, and the wettest humid rain forest in the world.  There is snow, there are lush valleys, and waterfalls.  The vegetation is varied.  Giant fruit trees, many flower bushes, and vines.  Of course coconut trees, wild tall grass and bush areas, ferns, tropical stuff.  You can find some of the flora and fauna in Los Angles areas, and Florida areas.  And then, there is stuff found no where else: the protea flowers, and the Silver sword on Haleakala for example.

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