
What are some leaps in science?

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I am trying to convey how quickly we have progressed as a race in the past few hundred years.




  1. Are you asking about technology or science.  Obviously they are related, but not the same thing.

    I would say that the greatest intellectual achievements of science in the last few hundred years are (in order of magnitude):

    1.  Evolution, genetics, and natural selection - providing a new empirical basis for modern medicine, environmental science and, to some, natural philosophy.

    2.  Plate tectonics - providing a better way to understand changes in the earth's internal systems and its external effects.

    3.  The Big Bang - Theoretical physics has produced a myriad of brilliant alternatives for understanding universal patterns of change offering major technological changes and intellectual challenges which will require decades of theory-building and experiment to sort out.  

    There are many many more examples.

  2. in just over a century, we have had the car, electricity, the telephone and mobile phone, the MRI body-scanner, powered flight, space travel computers, robotic assembly lines, sattellite communications and surveillance, and all this comes from dscoveries of specific qualities of materials, and working towards practical applications of them.  Sometimes, we take a concept and run with it, not knowing the future capabilities.  Othertimes, we know what we want, and work toward it, re-inventing and refining along the way.

  3. If you regarding 20 century,that was really fast progressing,

    but where is progress there is a regress to.

    Good luck

  4. The Moon walk.

  5. being able to travel to Space, that's a leap and a bound in Science.

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