
What are some local, national, and global solutions to deforestation?

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  1. I have no source for U . I worked in the rain forest of Ecuador for 11 years and the forest is definitely winning. I have Sean fence post sprout and grow up enough that the wire had to be lowered as the cattle could walk under it.

  2. stop breeding, maybe some kind of an air born or water born chemical or biological that makes people infertile, it would be great for third world counties.

  3. this is where we humans just dont understand the balance of this world

    it goes like this

    humans have multiplied more than any other mamal on the planet to the point where we are almost the only species left and the only way other species can survive is if we take care of them put them in cages at zoo's and such

    and all you hear on tv is cancer this cancer that aids this aids that we gotaaa find a cure lol we just dont get

    there isint supposed to be a cure its natures way of keeping ballance

    so many humans must die of accident diseases etc every year or this planet will become so plauged with humans the only place u would be able to see a tree is in a museum

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