
What are some local services you would like to see implemented for your community?

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I need ideas for a grant writing activity. The idea needs to offer a service to a community.




  1. We are in a very rural area and there is no public transportation.   A bus service or a ride service would make a huge difference for people who do not drive or do not have a vehicle or money for insurance, gas, upkeep etc.   About 15-20% of the clients of our help ministry could work and be self sufficient of they had a way to get to work. Senior citizans and disabled people are servied in a limited way by the senior center bus or were till finding was cut but even when that is a possibility someone with a 2 PM appointment for medical care must leave hiome at 8-9:30 AM and will no6t get back till 4 PM or after.  

    The next county over from us does some things at their learning center (adult ed, GED, job training) that I would love to see grant funded here.  GED training is free but the GED test costs $95 which keeps some ppl w/ low incomes from getting the GED even when they've learned the material.   They also provide gas cards for transportation and child care in certain circumstanbces subject to need and progress.  

    Homeless kids are a big priority to me as you can tell from our website So I would like to see more programs to help prevent homelessness and reestablish homes and to provide help and positive experiences for kids who are homeless.  

    BTW haqve you checked re grant writing ammo and grants available?

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