
What are some magazines or other periodicals that will take submissions of poetry for publication?

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Not vanity prints, or poetry websites, but actual publications....




  1. I will publish us. How can I expect to do this when it's not being done? You make a plan and develop it with a systematic methodology, a guiding light and focus. I have been a magazine editor, won some writing awards, and am a businessman with several reasonably successful business operations already. At least they have been successful to the extent that I do not have to work anymore if I don't want to. I have already got enough to be retired, and I am semi-retired. I work when I get an inspiration to work on. I only mention this to indicate that I am not a novice in the world with a wild and unrealistic dream. I have been published and self-published and want to work with all the talented and aspiring poets in Yahoo Answers and put together an anthology, which I (we) will publish. I have set up a Yahoo Group specifically to follow through on this. Here's a rough scenario: 1) the poetry here - a lots of it is great. 2) there are two publishing entity groups out there: the first is the traditional and elite- forget it. The second is pay-for-publish, and they accept anything: you're published, but there's no quality, and it means nothing. Our plan is to put the best we can together, so quality matters. Orders will be taken from the authors, so you can get copies for yourself, your friends, family, and also to distribute to your local bookstores. We will need a certain minimum advance orders in order to cover printing costs. I will work for nothing unless we go over the top, and then it simply becomes a question of business. I also know how to get us in print at very low costs, and there are certain options. The burning desire in the heart of writers is to share, to communicate, to touch the lives of others, to feel that their writing, and their lives that they put into their writing, could somehow be expressed. That's my burning heart, or heartburn, if you wish. I take this very seriously: that's why I have a sense of humor about it. Part of art is entertainment, afterall, isn't it? Unless you sincerely want to crawl into a hole and pull the grass over your head. Anyway, I sincerely believe we can do it, and I sincerely believe we will succeed, and I sincerely believe it will be awesome. If you wanna try, we just go step-by-step and nobody gets bulldozed. Let's realize together the poet artist's dreams. The Yahoo group I set up will really help us get together on this, so if you like the idea, join and promote it. I think an American Poetry Idol would be nice, so bring your bios's, and let's crack it - together. Can we say "hoo!"? Hoo? What's hoo? and who are you? just a part of the scenery and a poet too. I need to code this, or else I think it will be automatically cut off: so here's the link: groups dot yahoo dot com slash group slash Poetry dash for dash Publication. Signed, me, because we can't use our real names in Answers, right? because it would be chatting. This is an actual publication. It is not a vanity print. It is not a poetry website. I repeat myself.


    522k - 75 sec @ 56k  Poetry Publishers Who Accept Electronic Submissions  

    Lists email contacts for poetry publishers and indicates whether they are willing to receive manuscripts submitted electronically.

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