
What are some magic words?

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What makes them magic?




  1. Please and thank you are the two (ok three) most magical words in the English language. Doesn't matter if your dealing with humans or The Goddess & The God. If you remember this, you'll never go wrong.

  2. There are no specific 'magic words'.  you speak from the heart and focus on intent and goals.  

    That's like asking 'what are some prayer words' - whatever comes to mind.

    What makes them magic?  your focus and intent.    

  3. ummm, Burning Bright should get the correct answer just for spelling all those words correctly!

  4. Love. Peace. Can I help you. I admire you. Let's do this

    together. I won't fight. I will feed you.

    These are all magic because they are "coming-together"

    words. They can be used to make closeness, to mend

    rifts, to bring bonds.

    Words are powerful, and cannot be unsaid. Choose your

    words carefully.

  5. Words themselves do not have any inherent magic. The formation, recital, and direction of those words do, however. Be careful how you use words, for they are your most powerful weapon and your greatest defence.

  6. Abracadabra. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Alakazam.  Prestidigitation.

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