
What are some major causes of depression?

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i dont hav depression, i was just curious.




  1. fingers

  2. -low self esteem.





  3. break up,family or friend's death,lost your job,lost a friend= major causes....But of course there are lots of things that can cause depression,and things other ppl won't get.

  4. loss of a loved one

    loss of job

    moving house

    having a baby

    money worries

    relationship worries

    illness within the family

    lots of thing really i have depression myself and mine was triggered by a very bad accident which left my dad with brain injuries and then my mum was diagnosed with cancer so i had a lot to deal with in a small space of time.

  5. According to information-processing model which posits that during psychological distess, a person's thinking becomes more rigid and distorted, judgements become overgeneralized and absolute, and the person's basic beliefs about the self and the world become fixed. For example, there is a morning when I was waken up by a phone call. My emotional is disturbed. No matter what facts came to me it was transformed to a negative thought. From there, common information processing errors found in emotional distress include

    a) All or nothing thinking: situation are viewed in "either/or terms". For example, you are either happy or not happy in life. Then you will choose, I am not happy.

    b) Jumping to conclusions: justments are rushed. During depression or emotional disturb, we claimed that, "The therapist doesn't help me!". or "No one can understand me!"

    c) Mind reading: discending the thoughts of other without any accompanying evidence. For example, "My brother didn't smile at me this morning, so means he is unhappy with me.

    d) Labelling: attaching labels to oneself instead of to one's behaviour, " Because I can't cook a nice dinner, this means I am a failure."

    e) Emotional reasoning: assuming that feeling are facts. This is proven from the following example, : I feel imcompetent, so it must be true."

    We must identify and correct these errors in our thinking facilitates the return of information processing that is more evidence-based, flexible and relative (non-absulute).

    The next writting, I will share with you the three level of thinking.

    Hope you will be happy and able to control your emotion from now.

  6. Heredity. At least it seems to be a factor because it tends to run in families. I don't think anyone has been able to isolate the genes that cause mental illness, though.

    Life circumstances; having a bad situation and being unable to cope with it.

    Drug/alcohol abuse.

    Head injury or disease that damages the nervous system.

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