
What are some major components to an energy efficient house?

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We are doing a science project where we have to build a model of an energy efficient house. What are some parts of an energy efficient house that we should include? For example, solar panels on roof and windows on south wall. Please include things that we can build and put inside/outside the house.




  1. energy efficient light bulbs, energy star appliances, solar panels

  2. put as you said, a solar-panel roof, alot of visible insulation,  no fireplace, alot of windows, a fuel efficient/hybrid car in the garage a recycling bin some place and you should be fine. hope my advice helps.

    best wishes


  3. Some of the things I took into consideration in designing my mountain home were weather conditions and access to sunshine, as the property has lots of trees.  The exterior walls are 6" thick instead of the usual 4".  There are lots of south-facing windows, of course.  Extra insulation in the attic helps conserve energy.  On the inside, window quilts help and a wood burning stove compliments the radiant floor heating system while providing fire mitigation by utilizing fallen trees.

  4. Two things that don't get enough attention are solar water heaters and passive solar houses.

    Solar water heating is low tech compared with many solutions.  People have used such simple solutions in some applications as a black plastic bag or container that holds water.  A realistic design for a house is more complicated of course.

    Some sailors use the plastic bag.  There's a product called Sunshower for boaters that is that simple. Could use it camping etc also.

    The idea of passive solar has been around forever.  It's a shame we build so many houses with no thought about making them passive solar.

    This is for heating and cooling.  A little research will give you some idea what it entails.  Basically they store heat in masses of rock, concrete, water barrels or such, then the heat is radiated into the house at night when it's cooler.  Sometimes this is done by building a solarium as a wing off the house.  I'm overisimplifying but it isn't that complicated.  Your idea of windows on south wall would be part of a solar passive house.

    If you search for "passive solar homes"  you should get more information.

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