
What are some man-made disasters?

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Man-made disasters that seem extraordinary would be good. (Twin Towers is something everyone in my class would pick, so I want to be different)




  1. exxon oil spill in alaska! huge, destroyed  much of wildlife and environment devastated for years to come

  2. chernobyl

  3. The Holocaust - the systematic annihilation of six million Jews during the n**i genocide

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki -  killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945. Since then, thousands more have died from injuries or illness attributed to exposure to radiation released by the bombs.

    2005 levee failures in Greater New Orleans

    Space Shuttle Challenger

    Ashtabula River Railroad Disaster, also called the Ashtabula Horror, was the worst train disaster in American history when it occurred in far northeastern Ohio on 29 December 1876 at 7:28 p.m. Two of the bridge designers later committed suicide.

  4. Some of the most common ones pointed out that were caused by large corporations would be Chernobyl & the Exxon Valdex oil spill (1989).  You could also think of many war related events, such as the bombing of Hiroshima.

  5. - Chernobyl

    - London bombings

    - Hobart killing spree (Martin Bryant)

    - Hiroshima nuclear bombing

    - Global Warming

    - Exxon

  6. Minneapolis bridge collapse

    On Aug. 1, 2007, there was crashing and panic and disbelief and horror.

    There are several hundred more bridges on the edge of disaster in the USA.

    The Johnstown Flood: the Worst Dam Failure in U.S. History

    Mar 2, 2007 ... The collapse of the Kaloko Dam was a tragedy, but by no means an ... far the most famous dam failure, and indeed one of the worst disasters ...

    Monongah Mining Disaster

    The worst mining disaster in American History occurred in the community of Monongah, West Virginia on December 6, 1907. Around 10 o'clock in the morning ...

    The Iraq War- brought to you by the Bush Administration and based on  untrue reports of weapons of mass destruction which did not ever actually exist.

    4138 US dead

    30,324 US wounded

    Halocaust - World War II

    6 million dead

    The Trojan Horse

    The Trojan Horse is part of the Trojan War, as told in Virgil's Latin epic poem The Aeneid.

    Civil War

    At least 618000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700000. The number that is most often quoted is 620000. ...

  7. Lots of wars to choose from, the a-bomb on Hiroshima was particularly memorable

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