
What are some management echniques of the murray darling basin???

by  |  earlier

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i have an ***. tues. and i cant find the info on the net. please help me


dot points would be great




  1. Sorry I took so long, I forwarded your question to a friend that is more knowledgeable on the subject.

    In the future, please post as soon as possible, if I have to outsource for an answer it takes more that just a few hours or a day.


    I presume this is a reference to the Murray Darling basin in  AUSTRALIA.

    Salinity can be a huge problem, since it causes water to leach out of plants, causing an area to become barren.  That is why the Romans's salted the fields of Carthage - to kill the crops and destroy the Carthaginian economy.

    There is an  article on salinity as a problem in AUSTRALIA at:

    Hope this helps.


  2. 1.  Sell more water than what is available.

    2.  Blame other people for overusing the resource.

    3.  Pump out ground water that is not being replenished.

    4. Supply water to areas with highly saline soil and cause exisiting water table to rise and cause salinity problems.

    5. Farm products that are not suitable for the local enviroment.

    6.  Base water capacity/availability assumptions on the rainfall of the 30 wettest years out of the last 400.  (ie. 1950 to 1980)

    7.  Assume the government will fix it.

    8.  Pray for rain.

    9.  Don't maintain the supply infrastructure properly so that water is wasted/lost through evaporation and leakage.

    10.  Keep increasing the population so that more water is required to produce the amount of food required thus placing more strain on an already fragile system.

    Or you could try the links below which might give you answers that you teacher may be a little happier with.

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