
What are some materials that don't bend as easily as stainless steel?

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With better or equal tensile strength, too.




  1. Which grade of stainless is it?

    If you have 304 or 316 you could try 410 or 420 which are stronger.

    Instead of changing the material to one with a higher yield strength you could also change the section you are using - instead of a solid bar or even a tube an I section is stiffer due to second moment of area.

  2. Are you looking for a material with a higher yield point, higher stiffness, or higher specific stiffness? And compared to what type of stainless? What's the application? I could attempt a brain dump of what I know about materials to see if any of it meets your needs, but why don't you ask a more specific question instead?


    If the rods are becoming permanently deformed, you may just need a harder steel. Depending on where you're buying, 3/16" drill rod might be the easiest material to get. Be aware that hardened steel can be very hard to cut.

    If you need a material with less elastic deflection, that's going to be tough.  You'll need to get into something exotic, such as beryllium (warning: toxic) or tungsten.  It's probably easier to use a larger rod (or tube) or a different configuration.

  3. Martensite steel. Cool austenite steel as rapidly as possible. While it has very high tensile strength, do note that it has very low ductility - which means it won't bend much, but rather break like glass if you put beyond the maximum load


  5. Tungsten would be one possibility but you need to be more specific to get a tailored answer.

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