
What are some methods countries use to make foreign cuisine palatable to their standards?

by Guest57467  |  earlier

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ie: What is Chinese food like in France? Pizza in India? Mexican Food in Japan?




  1. Since have lived in The UAE (middle east) for 18 years, and am living in Malaysia for the past 5 years, I can see the clear distinction. Lets take fast food franchises for example:

    In the middle east, you can get the McArabia, which is Kofta wrapped in Arabian (Lebanese) Bread. Also, the kebab pizza was a big hit in Pizza Hut for quite some time.

    In Malaysia (where people love the mixing of sweet and spicy flavors), almost every kind of pizza in Pizza Hut and Shakey's has pineapples on them by default, even the super-supreme. In McD's, KFC and BK you can always find a sweet chili sauce dispenser next to the ketchup dispenser. A popular item on the McD's menu is McD's Chicken Rice, while a popular pizzas are the Royal Masala, Potato Curry, and Spicy Tom Yam pizzas.

    The list goes on and on, showing how foreign food will always be modified to suit the local taste.

  2. in america they add cheese to everything!

  3. In India, everything gets "Indianized"!  Spices are added and so are chilies!

    Pizza & Pasta will often contain garam masala, tandoori chicken and green chilies.  Chinese food in India has its own sub-cuisine known as "Desi Chinese" dishes.  Dominos Pizza in India, sells Indianized pizzas, TGIF's has an Indianized menu and McD's doesnt sell beef!!

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