
What are some methods of taking over the world?

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what would you do to take over the world if you had the right resources?




  1. i would just blow up stuff until everyone surrendered

  2. Secretly plant nukes in major cities. Then I would make them do what I want or else I would blow up the nuke.

  3. First, you may want to invest in a very powerful laptop...

  4. you have a large, overactive imagination/

  5. Get myself selected president of the most powerful country in the world by rigging the election and if that fails using the courts my predecessors in my party filled with their followers to call the election in my favor.

    Then set up a false flag operation to cause unending unlimited war so I can invade and subjugate anybody that doesnt l**k my jackboots.

  6. I would simply use the most successful method in history: cultural conquest. This is the method used by socialist since the days Stalin took control of the Communist Party of Russia. You use a combination of overt and covert tactics to gain access then control of a nation’s educational system, media/entertainment, labour force and bureaucratic institutions. Under such a system it really is not necessary to hold political office as these are the areas of which define and shape a culture. Once you control them you have the means to both persuade and coerce the people in the direction of your choice. Stalin laid out this system as the best way to achieve international socialism and even with the collapse of the Soviet Union, socialism continues to thrive. In fact, one can argue that using these methods, it has actually grown stronger since the USSR collapsed.

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