
What are some methods the united states are trying to reduce our impact on global warming?

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What are some methods the united states are trying to reduce our impact on global warming?




  1. We are asking all the people who beleive in man made global warming to stop exhaling co2.

  2. GW is a scam for the oil Co. to make billions. If they continue to rob us look out for a crash.

  3. Theres not much you can do about global warming it's too late

    The weather in my country today, well it's raining been raining for days, is this what your on about.

    The ice sheets are melting then more sea is exposed to the sun.

    So theres more heat and more heat, so more melting will happen and speed up.

  4. US Corporations are taking the lead on fighting green house gases.

    Here is a typical company:

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