
What are some methods to teach 2 year old preschoolers?

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open to any new suggestions on different ways on how to teach 2 year old preschoolers colors, shapes, numbers and alphabets .




  1. My preschool philosophy is that it is all about Social-Emotional development, and you are teaching toddlers.  I would provide a literacy-rich environment, and plenty of hands on materials for the toddlers to explore with all their senses.  It is tricky not to stress out kids with too much academic pressure-I teach 3-5 year olds and have a 5 year old son.  I have seen kids go to kindergarten knowing all their letters, but cannot get through the day or function socially with other children.  I would look at for more information/position papers on where kids are at.

  2. LOTS of different learning techniques/supplies you can use. It's a fairly simple theme....try...

    - books (from the library)

    - make your own flas cards and do this activity in a small group

    - go for a walk and bring a camera...when children point out a shape, take a picture of it....loads of shapes if you go for a simple walk together

    - incorporate shapes into your creative activity

    - sorting different sizes of pre cut shapes and have the children work together to put them in the appropriate pile

    - "SHOW AND SHARE"...send a letter home to parents the week before and ask for their support....Monday- bring in items that are circles, Tuesday...rectangles Wednesday....triangles etc... Do the same the following week when you concentrate on colors...etc...children and parents will love this!!

    - home made flash cards for each child and ask that parents practise every day before bed can also inorporate Show and bring in an item that starts with the letter A

    Hope this helps...good luck!!!

  3. I agree with Robyn's answer about not forcing the issue. From a lot of the trainings i have taken lately and techniques I have tried in the classroom, I have found that these skills are incorperated in everyday activities. ex: oh, I see you are drawing with the red crayon now, I like how you used both blue and yellow in your painting, what happened when they mixed? Lets go sit at the circle table for snack time.

    Also songs work really well.

    I've been a preschool teacher for the last 11 yrs and working with toddlers now for the past couple yrs, trust in their abilities and they will pick up on it!

  4. Let the child learn  naturally in a safe at home environment.  Talk to your child through the day.  Count the washing as you fold it.  Talk about the colours as you dress them.  Walk down the street and look for circles, squares, triangles.  Read books frequently during the day....

    2 year olds will digest whatever their little brains are ready for and all learning needs to be natural and mother based.  NEVER force learning on a child.  No matter what age.  It is cruel and will result in a negative attitude towards the joy of knowledge.

  5. I'm in the same boat as u i'm was looking around and found 3 sites that look really cool...BUT you got to pay for the stuff....BUT you get craft stuff and a activeity for 5 days a looks cool still don't know if i'm going to try it or not

  6. There is nothing better than hands on. Provide simple puzzles, shape sorter, markers,....

    The list is endless.

    Besides good teaching materials, good staff-child interaction is just as important . You should be constantly talking and working with the children. Also, use lots of books. Read to one or two children at a time. The more fun you have working with the children the quicker they learn.

    Avoid sitting down in large group and lecturing. This is totally inappropriate for the age group you serve.

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