
What are some monuments and landmarks of ecuador?

by Guest59333  |  earlier

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What are some monuments and landmarks of ecuador?




  1. The Center of the earth, about an hour from Quito.  In Quito, there are great cathedrals and other points of interest to visit in the Center City, such as La Bascillica, La Panacilla (statue of the virgin Mary overlooking the city).  Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in the world and is only several hours from Quito.  You can hire someone to take you up in a pickup truck or an suv for a reasonable amount and it offers an incredible view.  The city of Banos offers many outdoor activities and also is  the home to some natural hot springs that you can relax in.

  2. yes all of the previous reponses are true but the great place is going to the beaches. The waters are clear blue the sky is perfect the right temperatures all day and there are even little huts that are bars by the beach and some great clubs. By the way it's cheap down there.

  3. I have to agree with the previosu posts.  In particular the town of banos is amazing!  Quito is great but crime is growing there.  I live in Cuenca for a while and fell in love wiht it.

    In terms of monuiments, don't forget the natural moneuments.  From the glapagos to the the cloud forest there is so much natural beauty.  My favorites are the high peaks you can summit.  Cotopaxi, chmaporazo are two great summits.  Also check out Cajas national park.  Absolutely beautiful!

  4. a very good monument to go to is the "mitad del mundo" middle of the marks the equator there is a museum there are gift stores they sell traditional music DVDs with traditional dances and its a very friendly environment

  5. There's a marker for the equator, but it's actually several miles from the Equator. All the same, it's pretty cool.

    Quito has a number of phenomenal old cathedrals that date from the era of the conquistadores. You can climb to the top of San Francisco and see the entire city below you (after several flights of rickety stairs and several ladders). A phenomenal experience but not for the acrophobic.

    Any works of man's are secondary to the phenomenal Andes mountains. Waterfalls, soaring green peaks, smoking volcanos - the scenery defies description.

    More fertile and lush than the Himalayas and almost as tall, the Andes are the second tallest mountain range in the world.  

    The town of Banos is close to breathtaking scenery, has the eponymous hot spring baths, and also has a crazy-fun nightlife. It's a six hour bus ride from Quito and well worth it. Rent mountain bikes or mopeds to see "El Diablo" and other natural wonders - or go horseback riding. Banos is awesome.

    Both Quito and Banos are essentially safe, friendly, fun cities.

    Guyanquil is a little rough, not as scenic, and wildly hot and muggy - skip it, unless you have a need to go there. If you do, get your shots and wear plenty of mosquito repellant.

    The Galapagos Archipelago are amazing - words can't do them justice. . Don't skimp on a boat, though - the cruises are quite cheap, as far as cruises go, and the bigger boats will have more knowledgable guides, edible food, and comfy cabins. Darwin Station, Lion's Back, and of course the animals and other flora and fauna are incredible.

    Worth the money (and it's pretty cheap there as far as lodging and food. The flight down will likely be the most expensive part).

    Have fun! Ecuador is an amazing country!

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