
What are some moral issues that challenge young people today?

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i need this answer for my religion essay :)




  1. Whether to take drugs or not, further their education, have unprotected s*x to name a few.

  2. Well young people like me(senior in high school) have a great challenge of not having a car due to waiting to get the pink slip or getting a driver license. Also money can be a seriously problem. College is getting more expensive by the years going by.

  3. adult things at kids age. s*x , drinking

  4. Whether to have s*x, smoke, drink, or do drugs just to fit in with the "In Crowd".  

  5. Drugs, s*x, school, home life, friends, growing up everything kind of unloads on us all at once

  6. nits theirs lots of nits about today.

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