
What are some movies with good trailers but turned out to be bad movies after you seen it?

by Guest60339  |  earlier

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I knew one is Babylon AD




  1. Walk Hard

  2. lady in the water ....gladiator ......cloverfield.....dawn of the dead [recent version]....shutter .....the golden many i could go on not to listen to hype and pick a film on whether or not it fits your usual view on films [genre you like ,stars you like ,etc...]

  3. Oh, I could name SO many movies. Most recent was Wanted. If you saw the trailer, you saw EVERYTHING!

    Another is The Happening. The trailer made it look like a creepy awesome horror movie, but it turned out to be horrible, especially the acting!

  4. babylon ad should have been an obvious dud. Vin diesel? need i say more. Pretty faces do not delegate good movies.

    I think many movies are like that though. They show all the good stuff in the trailer and then you go to the movies and watch the filler!

    I know the movie "Hannibal rising" looked like it might have some promise and it kinda sucked.

    "The strangers" also seemed like it would be creepy, but they gave away most of the creepy stuff in the trailer and left you only to be surprised by cheap bumps and bangs.

  5. In the Land of Women starrign Adam Brody and Meg Ryan

    They took alll the interesting scenes and jumbled it into a trailor.

  6. Angel Eyes

    Event Horizon

    Random Hearts

    All totally misleading trailers

  7. Transporter 2

  8. Ghost Rider

  9. Mr Woodcock

    Kung Fu panda

    Mummy tomb of the emperor dragon

    The Kingdom

  10. Wedding Crashers  all the trailer scenes happened in the first 5 minutes

  11. lady in the water and the village wowwwww awful movies!!!!!!

  12. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The trailer was so exciting, but the movie was nothing like it at all!

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