
What are some name games I can play with some kids on their first day of camp?

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I'm going to be a councelor at a day-camp this year, and I need some good name games to play with them on the first day.





    There's some ideas on there. You could get some water balloons, play volleyball or a scavenger hunt! That would be fun and the kids would enjoy it. :) Have fun!

  2. my daughter is at girl scout day camp this week and they told the girls to choose a 'camp nick name' and use this name all the time.

    They were told this on the first day at circle time, they also had to tell WHY they chose their name.

    THey also said that they can guess each others real names during the week but they havent' really done this.

  3. If guys&girls how bout spin the bottle

    if girls than pretend to be somebody else

    if guys than name hott female celebs

  4. Stand in a circle. Every one has to say there name and make a movement. It cant be something simple like waving you hand, it has be be like jumping in a circle, or a pose they like. What ever they do the entire circle has to repeat "hi (name)" then the movement.

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