
What are some native Argentinean dishes?

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What are some native Argentinean dishes? I'm interested in the culture..and what is usually made for lunch an dinner?




  1. I remember eating something called papas provensal when I lived there. It was fantastic. I'm not sure how they are made though. They are potatoes with garlic and some different herbs.

  2. Alfajors

    These tasty cookie type treats are the mainstay of Argentine snacking. Generally alfajors consist of thick dulce de leche sandwiched between two cookie wafers. To add a finishing touch, they are coated with either chocolate or a sugary glaze.


    Argentine BBQ is known as asado. Anyone and everyone who has access to a grill, or parrilla, will most likely prepare an asado at least once a week or month, depending on weather and available time. If one does not have a grill, then any parrilla restaurant will suffice. Asado consists of various meats and sausages cooked on a grill over wooden coals. Side dishes may include various salads and french-fried potatoes, with a good red wine being the beverage of choice. This is no light event like throwing some steaks onto a grill and serving them twenty minutes later. Preparing an asado takes time and skill to satisfy the hungers of all involved. If you ever attend one as a guest at someone's residence, prepare to spend at least half the day enjoying good company, good food, and good wine.


    Argentina is best-known as the beef capital of the world. More beef is consumed per capita here than in any other part of the world. Except for a few, most cuts of beef in Argentina differ than elsewhere in the world. This might come as confusing to some when trying to order a steak at parrilla, steakhouse. Parrillas that are more tourist-oriented may have chart or descriptions in English to help you decide. Some of the larger establishments even go so far as to bringing out examples for you to decide with your own eyes! The portions are large and the meat juicy, and if you don't have a huge appetite you might want to order one portion for two.

    Example cuts of meat.

    Bife De Chorizo - A sirloin cut similar to New York strip.

    Bife De Lomo - Filet Mignon

    Matambre - Thin flank steak, most of the time this meat is rolled into a log shape with various fillings.

    Costillas - Ribs

    Dulce De Leche

    Dulce De Leche is the most popular sweet known to the Argentines and is becoming quite popular around the world these days. Translated to "milk jam", this caramel type sauce, is composed of milk and sugar that is slowly boiled into a thick and creamy paste. Argentines will spread it on almost any sweet deserts or snacks such as: cookies, alfajors, cakes, toast, crackers, pancakes, and various other pastries.


    Empanadas are half-moon shaped pastries that are filled with many ingredients like meats, vegetables, cheeses, and spices. The most popular variety is the meat-filled empanada that consists of ground beef, olives, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, and spices. Another popular one is the humita, that is filled with a creamy mixture of corn, cheese, nutmeg, and thick white sauce. Most restaurants and cafes will serve small versions as an appetizer when ordering a large lunch or dinner.


    Due to the heavy mixture and influence of immigrants from Italy, pasta is very common dish in Argentina. Almost all restaurants and cafes will offer a small selection of fresh pastas on their menu. In Buenos Aires, every few blocks or so, you can find a small pasta shop that prepares numerous varieties of fresh pastas and sauces to feed the Argentine's hungers. Many will enjoy a pasta lunch or dinner on the weekends. On the 29th of each month, they celebrate what is called Noquis day and very pasta shop will offer large quantities of noquis, or potato pasta.

  3. i bet it has chilis or paprika in it..

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