
What are some natural antiseptics?

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I am running a science experiment where I am going to run two experiments parallel to each other.

I am going to have an antiseptic (at different concentrations) on agar plates too see what kills bacteria most effectively. The other one will be identical but with a different antiseptic (a natural one).

Suggestions for which anti-septics could use and/or how to improve the experiment?

Thanks =]




  1. I think you have to think of both sides of your experiment, the antiseptic AND the organism that you wish to control, the bacteria. Different antiseptics will have different effects on different organisms.

    Simple chemicals such a vinegar, common salt and alcohol, all have antiseptic effects. Even milk will have some antiseptic effect.

    The more difficult part is to grow and identify the bacteria you wish to control. If you have a wide variety of bacteria, then you need to isolate species using the streak plate method (see link). You could try a yeast as well as a bacteria.

    Good luck.  

  2. Neem is a natural emollient and antiseptic. U can try with the extracts of neem. for further analysis u can narrow down to the active compound in the extract.

    U can also do the comparititve study of the antiseptic activity of various herbs used in traditional medicine.

  3. Natural Antibiotics & Antiseptics

    Carob powder is rich in tannins which manifest strong anti-viral properties and may work as well as antibiotics for certain bacteria-induced diseases, such as diarrhea.

    Colloidal silver has been successfully used for over a century as a powerful antibiotic and is known to kill over 650 disease organisms. Many organisms live for only a few minutes in the presence of silver.

    Grapefruit seed extract This extract is a powerful all-around antimicrobial product and is an excellent disinfectant. Grapefruit seed extract has a wide variety of uses and comes in a liquid, capsules and tablets. For antiseptic uses make a solution of 4-40 drops in four ounces of water and apply to the affected areas with a cotton ball two or three times a day or as a spray for larger areas. Can be used as a spray for babies. Carefully spray the area covered by diapers at each changing, being careful to keep out of the baby's eyes. This should clear up any diaper rash in five to seven days.

    Honey Researchers at the Waikato University in New Zealand have discovered the remarkable ability of honey as an antibacterial agent. Honey may be applied full strength or diluted as much as 10:1 and will completely halt the growth of all the major wound-infecting species of bacteria. They also found that honey was, in some cases, superior to antibiotics in dealing with drug-resistant strains of bacteria. Use for bites, stings, cuts or any topical infection.

    Molkosan, a product derived from concentrated whey, the bi-product of cheese manufacture, has been used effectively against fungal infections and is an excellent antiseptic. The good results may be from the lactic acid and lactic enzymes. Use as you would iodine.

    Olive leaf extract (calcium elenolate) The olive leaf contains a phytochemical called oleuropein, whose active ingredient, elenolic acid has shown powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects. It has proven to be useful in cases of yeast and fungal infections, herpes, chronic fatigue, allergies and psoriasis. Since it works like a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it is useful against colds, flu, and upper respiratory and sinus infections. In addition, users have claimed that it can help lower blood sugar, normalize arrhythmias, inhibit oxidation of LDL (the bad cholesterol), and relax arterial walls, thereby helping to lower blood pressure. Other reported benefits are that it boosts energy and eases pain, such as from hemorrhoids, toothaches and arthritis.

    St. John's wort (hypericum) can also be used as an antiseptic. Dab it on externally.

    Tea tree oil is an exceptional natural antibiotic. Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, contains antiseptic compounds that are a very effective skin disinfectant. Depending on severity, use 5-15% solutions daily. It has proven beneficial in treating acne, athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch, fungal infections of the toenail or fingernails, yeast infections, wound healing and bad breath, among others. For wound cleansing or a douche for yeast infections, make a 10% solution (about 1½ tablespoons to a cup of warm water). Make sure the product label says it is 100% pure tea tree oil.  

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