
What are some natural cures for cancer?

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I have been reading alot and I beleive there is a natural cure for cancer.What it is? I dont know but what conventional medicine has done to people is just awful.I buried a freind about 2 weeks ago.He died long before his time and he would never listen to anything except his doctors advice and he didnt eat very good .Of course his doctor told him to eat pizza of all things.Do you know of any natural cures because I m having some problems myself and I am afraid of what the doctor will do to me if it does turn out to be cancer.I want a back up plan.




  1. there definitely cures for cancer.  you should consult a doctor but that care should only be a piece of the puzzle for resolution.

    diet diet diet is the number one cure.

    get that book "what they don't want you to know"  there are several

    cures in there.

    also find a Reliv nutritional supplement distributor.  that is the single best

    help any of us have.  look at

  2. Find a homeopath (one that does constitutional work, not just acute stuff). I know one who's had a lot of people get rid of cancer.

  3. It all starts with mind adjustment.  Don't critizase, don't condem, don't judge.  Don't take life personal, mind your own business.  Love everything and anything, (in your heart, and in your mind mostly)  Bless in the same way.  Forgive. think happy thoughts, laugh a lot, stay away from negativity, don't participate in evil situations.. Second, cleanse your body with natural remedies, flush your liver, get on a healthy, organic diet, drink plenty of water(do a research on the water you're drinking, not all water is healthy), eat berries, cabbage juice wil get rid of any abnormal growths in your system. I've heard that "cat's claw plant, a plant from South America also helps, it is sold in capsule form, stay away from preservatives on canned food, starch, juices from concentrate, and any food that has been processed. Enjoy nature as much as possible, take trips to the beaches on the atlantic ocean( the water is cleaner on that side of the continent.  Read "You can heal your life from Louise Hay.  This is a day to day process, which if followed thru will reverse the damages in you body.  A good faith is very helpfull with all this, always follow your inner guide all the answers are within you, make wise decisions. Good luck!!!!!!  

  4. There are no cures for cancer. period.

  5. sadly, the only natural ways i've heard of to kill cancer are dumb luck or death of the host.  maybe someday we'll figure something better out

  6. "The good thing about Alternative Medicine is that there are alot of options, the bad thing about Alternative Medicine is that there are alot of options"

    Jerry Brunetti

    {survived an agressivbe form of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma with Alt. Medicine alone}

    Check this Article Out:


    Rife Frequency Technology

    look into Rife technology,, oncotherm make good machines, the PERL {highly reccommended} has alot of anecdotal evidence stating cures for terminal hopeless cancers., the GB4000 is good as well.


    pH Balancing

    Also alkalise your body by eating lots of raw veg/fruit dark green leafy vegetables especially, Read a book called 'The pH Miracle' it sells on amazon. Cancer patients usually have an internal acidic environment, ideal for cancer and pathogenic microbes to thrive.

    Adding 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per litre of filtered water {filtered from chlorine/fluoride} and drinking half your body weight in ounces will alkalise the body.


    Orthomolecular Medicine

    Also see an orthomolecular medicine doctor, take 1000mg-2000mg of Vitamin C per day in the form of low acidity magnesium ascorbate, this therapy was made by Dr. Linus Pauling, twice Noble prize winner, 48 PhD's, yes forty-eight.

    Cut out all meat, cheese, sugar, from your diet. Look into Laetrile as well, as well as Dr. Hulda Clark's book 'Cure for all advanced cancers', she is a ND naturopath, and has natural remedies for all types of cancers.Although I have not looked into her books at the present time.


    Detoxification/Gerson Therapy

    Make a detox tea, watch 'Jerry Brunetti's videos, his a cancer survivor, he had non-hodgkins lymphoma, and he used alternative medicine alone. I think they are on google video or youtube. It include Pau De' Arco, and other antimicrobial ingredients. Look into Hyperimmune Milk, the MERCK Patent, its all on Bruunetti's videos, 'A personal odyssey/nutrition' and 'Food as Medicine', available on Google Video/p2p networks

    Also look into the Moss Reports, they cost money to buy the report, but it is worth it. Ralph Moss takes a scientific approach when evaluating alternative medicine for cancer, specific to whatever cancer that you have, he has a report for all of them. I believe his daughter died of cancer from conventional medicine

    Gerson Therapy, is brilliant, a must do therapy, and now proven to work by Dr. Campbell, author of 'The China Study' performed by the NIH, Oxford University and others reputable institutions. Watch 'DyingToHaveKnown" for more information

    I would recommend you see a good naturopath, nutritionist, and an open minded medical doctor to help you fight this. As well as an orthomolecular doctor {sometimes a good nutritionist is trained in this area also}, as well as a good western botanical medicine herbalist.


    Bio-Oxidative Therapy

    Consider supplement with 'Oxygen Elements Plus' by GHT, as well as oxygen/ozone therapy. Look into DCA a new drug to restart mitochondria in cancer cells, not on prescription yet, but i heard people are getting their hands on it somehow from chemical companies. Enzyme Therapy and Laetrile work for tumors, find out if it does work for your condition. DIM, di-indole-methane works for hormone related female cancers.



    Injected intra-lymphatically, re-establishes the immune system, so it can fight the cancer cells.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Listen to your doctor,...or Pray.

  8. Of-course they are. Do not panic. Just for starter, visit the help-site.  

    Wish you all the best.

  9. tomatoes and watermelon and cheese whiz can do wonder for the disease but you cant fight cancer with just food it might be too late be care-full and listen to your doctor and may be a second doctor

  10. Juicing/Green drinks

    Marine Phytoplankton

    Oncolyn (a supplement, one of my customer with terminal spinal cancer says its helping her prolong her life)

    Chanoline cream (another supplement, but in a cream, except it's REALLY expensive)

    Green tea extract (EGCG)

    Anything with a lot of antioxidants may help reduce your chance of cancer.

    Eliminating as many chemicals/toxins in your life (try organic food, chemical free cleaners, chemical free beauty products, non-processed foods)

  11. WOW is all I have to say after reading some of these answers. If the body can "create" cancer, don't you think it can undo cancer. Its just like shoe laces, if you can tie your shoe then you can UNTIE your shoe. Except when you have reached a point of no return..just like tieing your shoe to tight..then you would have to cut it with a knife or something. Anway, does that make sense? The body creates cancer or diseases because it is unbalanced. Just like a plant that is dying, its not getting the correct nutrients to live off of. Humans are the same. I truly believe that dieting can cure almost every disease. however because of the toxic world we learn in- cleanses are extremely important as well. I do believe there is cures for cancer and of course you don't hear about it because the drug companies shut those people up. They manpulate society in to thinking there way is the answer because its all about the money. If they put a cure for cancer on the market-millions of people would lose there jobs and there pay checks then how would society be then...we would have millions of people on unemployment that us tax payers would have to pay for.

  12. Of course there are cures for cancer, it just depends on alot of factors, one being if you live in the USA, toxic load, emotional load(anger and stress mainly) etc...  I can not recommend highly enough DR. MAX GERSON books.  He is an old German? doctor who has written extensively on cancer and health and how to heal yourself.  Please look into his work.  And unfortunately modern day practicing doctors aren't gods and don't know everything and have to work in a very strange setting of what can and can not be said, not to mention the pharm/greed/keep the patients coming quotas.  Remember the old saying you are what you eat?  It's true even if it's easier to deny it.

    I personally would never do chemo/radiation...

  13. There are some natural supplements that can help surpress tumors and cancer like liquid zeolite.  Give it a try and let me know how it helps.  For more info go to

  14., it includes diet of raw foods (Veggies) herbs , black salves, the hospital is in Baja .  

  15. Sorry to hear about your friend.  Find something that has real research behind it.  I'd recommend watching some videos I posted on youtube to get informed, then make a reasoned decision:


  16. Some people give credence to the macrobiotic diet.  The only advantage I see to the macrobiotic diet is if your cancer can be affected by improving your diet, which in turn, improves your immune system which can help stall or stop the cancer. It is foolish to think that this works for all cancers or for everyone.  By the time your cancer reaches a certain point, most doctors just say to eat whatever you can since your time is likely limited.  

    You have a choice. You can refuse treatment.  I won't do chemo or radiation, so if I had cancer, my treatment would be limited to things that could be surgically removed.  If I had children, I would perhaps consider something different.  While there are anectodal cases of people putting their cancer into remission (and in fact, I have a relative who did just that), it has not been proven in studies.

  17. Apricot seeds. 5 a day for female and 10 a day for a male everyday for preventive against cancer.

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