
What are some natural herbs/remedies that help a person go to sleep ?

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I've been having sleeping problems ,though i don't want to take sleeping pills.

Thank you :)




  1. sleepytime tea from Celestial seasonings.  

  2. Try giving yourself a 30 min (at least) cardio workout a few hours before night night time.  Also...I know a woman who made sleeping pillows.  She filled them with different herbs known as sleeping smells.  I can't remember what she put in them beside lavender.  But that could be easy to find.  As far as smoking pot...Depends on when it is harvested.  Some is harvested to be euphoric and sleepy and some will make you hyper and talk a lot like you had a cup of coffee.  If you don't smoke...don't start just to sleep.  

  3. Valerian root works very well, but it smells and tastes really bad.  Perhaps the tea is tolerable, but I haven't tried it.

    Kava kava is all natural and it doesn't have the horrible taste and smell.  You can get a dropper bottle of it and mix it with food or juice.  But, I really like the Yogi tea called Kava Stress Relief.  You can buy it on the internet or in the grocery store for about $4.  It has cinnamon in it, so you can make it in hot apple juice instead of hot water if you like - its really nice.  After about 10 minutes you will feel very relaxed and drowsy.  

    You can also take melatonin pills, but I have found that they give me weird dreams.  They are not as effective as the Kava kava.

    I hope you can find some rest.  Insomnia is no fun! :)

  4. Watch the new version of King Kong. It puts me to sleep every time.

  5. Melatonin is a natural pill you can take to help you sleep and it is safe when used as directed. It does give you crazy, vivid dreams though.

  6. May sound radical, but marijuana is the greatest thing you could ask for.

    If you have an open mind and some patience, you will see what i am talking about

    email me, or visit for more information.

  7. grass is out, kid...your folk would skin you alive.

    pills are pills, and generally over rated

    tea however is very nice.  camomile tea is relaxing and helps one sleep.

    there is a tea out called sleepytime tea, has valerian in it, valerian is a legal herb and has no real effect on the nervous system.  sleepytime tea is a pleasant cup a half hour before bed

    a nice glass of warm milk with a bit of honey in it is nice too...

  8. When I have trouble sleeping, a glass of warm milk usually does the trick.  Chamomile Tea is good for making you drowsy too.

  9. Sleepy time tea by Celestial is ok  it contains chamomile and spearmint teas

    Another Sleepy time Tea by Traditional contains  Valerian and Hawthorn berries.

      Celestial is about $4 Canadian  while Traditional is about $10.00  Canadian.

       Both teas work!   If you slept all day  then no matter what you take at night you'd probably still remain awake!

        There are others:  Comfrey, Lavendar,  Kava Kava,  Melatonin!    Did you know that weed with those purple flowers that gardeners get rid of is Melatonin!?   You can do a search on the internet for more info :  Herbal Sleep Aids  or  search  Herbal Healers Academy!

  10. Valerian is the most usual one.

  11. Natural remedies include warm milk, melatonin, valerian, 5-HTP and others that you can find in a web search for "natural sleep remedies".

  12. If you drink camomile tea, take a 5htp tablet (but it's best to read up on them a bit before taking them), take valerian (which tastes disgusting but so worth it) and put a bit of lavender on your pillow.  Melatonin is quite good too, but both valerian and melatonin can give you a bit of a heavy head in the morning, however it usually goes after breakfast.

  13. If you are comfortable with smoking, you could smoke marijuana.  


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