
What are some natural laxatives?

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What are some natural laxatives?




  1. Celine Dion

  2. Psyllium hulls mixed, other high fiber foods like oatmeal, brown rice, raw vegetables, prunes, apples. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, do excercises that engage the muscles of the abdomen to condition the muscles that support parastalsis.

    Senna leaf is an herbal laxitive that taken in a small dose as a tea should work within 8 to 12 hours but can cause stomach cramping.

  3. a teaspoon  of pure castor oil

  4. There are many herbal laxatives and purgatives such as cascara sagrada, senna, rhubarb. Some of the bitter herbs can also stimulate digestion in a more gentle way such as aloe, yellow dock and gentian.

  5. coffee

  6. Boiled greens, spinach, and cabbage.

  7. prunes, dates, plums, peas in shells, broccoli, and yes, water; because you can have all the fiber rich foods you want but if you don't have water, you get even more constipated.

    How could I forget, popcorn, the home made kind not the chemical filled microwave ones.

  8. Black cherries and full cream milk.


  10. Fast simple and safe - Vitamin C (500 mg) then 4 hours later (1000 mg).

    That should do it.

    If this is a chronic problem try a magnesium supplement combined w/either potassium or just eat a banana or some other potasium rich food

  11. The best (and I mean second to none!!!) bowel aid is called "Super II".  You can purchase this thru

    Awesome site, by the way...been a trusting consumer & advocate of the academy, it's founder, Dr. Mariah McCain (a naturopath, herbologist, micro-biologist & teacher) for over 15 yr. now.  Trust me, you will be amazed at the truth & wisdoms you can gain from here!!!

    Good Journey, incl. your p**p (lol)!!!

  12. There are several different kinds, but be warned, these should only be used very sparingly.  Never, ever use laxitives every day!!  This can make your body become dependant on them so that you can actually lose your bowel function.

    Senna and Cascara Segrada are examples of two herbal laxatives.  They will MAKE you p**p.  Again, do NOT takes these every day!!!

    If you want something along the lines of a good fiber (think bulking,) then psyllium husks or seeds are good.  Also flax seed, chia seed, apple pectin, or anything of that nature.  These you can take every day for normal bowel health.  You should be aiming for around 35g of fiber a day anyway, so these can really help!  These you CAN take everyday.

  13. He's's Celine Dion.

  14. The best one: Bananas. As simple as that, bananas will make wonderful things with your depositions and the best part.. you get vitamins and carbs.

  15. Prunes

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