
What are some natural laxitives or ways to help constapation..?

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i feel constapated what can i eat to make me c**p?!?!! im like bloated and it's annoying and idk what do i eat or drink sides prune juice though ill eat prunes




  1. If you are constipated on a regular basis then take Magnesium Citrate NOT magnesium oxide. You can find it at any vitamin store for like 6-7 bucks. Take it daily. It will help keep you regular and you can up the dose if you feel like you are gettin constipated. If you take it daily and it doesnt seem to be helping then take more per day until you are going to the bathroom daily. When you are constipated you can take a mega dose of it and it will help you go. Dont be afraid to take double or triple the recommended dose...the worst that could happen is you might get the runs. But it is healthier than taking over the counter drugs.

  2. Fiber will help in excreting wastes.  Drink plenty of water and eat some fruit or vegetables.  Try and avoid laxatives.  This site lists some high-fiber foods:

    Best of luck!

  3. the following fruits and vegetables help to lubricate your intestines, which in turn make it easier for waste to be eliminated.

    Alfalfa sprout












    Pine nut



    Sesame seed/oil



    Whole fresh milk

    These foods also aid in regularity:


    Black sesame seed

    Bran from oats, rice, and wheat







    Sweet potato

    A number of other fruits and vegetables are also helpful in relieving constipation, though for various reasons. These include:

    Aduki beans


    Brussels Sprouts



    Mung bean



    Shiitake mushrooms

    Sunflower seeds




    Breads and grains are examples of foods for relieving constipation. Why is that? Wheat and oat bran in particular are helpful because, like fruits and vegetables, these natural grains add extra fiber to your diet. Eating fresh wheat bread (not enriched or bleached) or whole grain rice can be very helpful when it comes to preventing and relieving constipation. Some other fiber rich foods include raisins, raw vegetables (potatoes, carrots, and peas are excellent choices), ground flax meal, and salads light on cheese and meats and heavy on green-and-leafy lettuce. For softening the stool a bit, try applesauce, oatmeal, legumes (dried beans) and barley or whey. Cottage cheese helps in this respect also.


    Yogurt is one of the best foods for relieving constipation because it helps your colon in two ways. First , the lacto-bacteria in active-culture yogurt help repopulate your digestive system with these beneficial organisms that aid in breaking down food. Second, the acidophilus in yogurt encourages healthy bacterial growth and also helps diminish the production of bile acid, which may be a cancer-causing agent. In fact, the more acidophilus you have in your colon, the less likely you are to have problems with colon diseases in general.

    Besides those benefits, yogurt is also rich in calcium, which is good for your colon. Unlike other dairy products, such as milk and cheese, yogurt does not have a binding effectbut still makes it possible for you to add more calcium to your diet. Calcium helps prevent excess growth of cells in your colon lining, which also reduces your chances of developing cancer. In fact, one study supported findings that consuming 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day can reduce your chances of developing colon cancer by 75%. Obviously, a healthy colon is not as likely to become constipated as one that is unhealthy.


    Purified water can also be listed as one of the most healthful foods to relieve constipation. It is particularly important to increase your water intake if you are also increasing your fiber intake. This is because the water will help prevent the fiber from hardening and causing a blockage in your intestines. Drinking plenty of water can be very helpful in preventing constipation. While there is no evidence supporting the idea that drinking excessive water will bring relief from constipation, drinking enough to prevent dehydration will ensure an adequate amount remains in your intestines at all times. To drink enough to prevent dehydration, you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses (roughly 64 ounces) of water every day. If you need a stronger flavor now and then, stick to hot herbal teas and stay away from caffeinated drinks like the plague as they really aren't good for you and can create an artificial dependency on their sugars, preservatives, and other chemicals.

    By adding more fruits and vegetables, grains, yogurt, and water to your diet, you will be less likely to suffer from constipation. Each of these wonderful, nutritious foods can also help you get things moving again if you have already become constipated. Once you begin to experience the many benefits of following a diet beneficial to colon health, just continue with these culinary choices and make them a part of your regular menu.

  4. Try Fiber One Chocolate bars. They taste great and they wil difinately help you with your problem. Don't go and eat like 5 of them at once because you will be very gassy!

  5. Licorice. that's the answer.

  6. Don't overdo it on prunes or prune juice. It takes time to work.

    If you are constipated, make sure you are hydrating (so definitely drink 4 to 6 glasses of water per day). Also, until you have passed stool, stay off of milk and caffeine. Those are both constipating.

    Walking sometimes helps break up the fecal matter.

    Laxatives are not the safest way to go. If in 24 hours, you still haven't passed stool, take a Fleet e***a instead. Only take the one e***a.

    If it still persists, see your doctor.

  7. Try black licorice every day. Prunes will certainly help. Make sure that you drink lots of water and high fiber foods. Exercise always helps too.

  8. Prune juice works well. High fiber fruits and grains also can help control this problem.

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