
What are some natural supplements that bring relaxation and ease?

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What are some natural supplements that bring relaxation and ease?




  1. Green tea/black tea. any type of tea is generally soothing and good for you.

  2. 5-HTP is the natural chemical tryptophan which makes you sleepy/relaxed

  3. marijuana

  4. Try 'St Johns Wart' taken in capsule or liquid form available from any health food shop.  Also from your health food shop is 'Bush Flower Essences', many to choose from but 'Calm and Clear Essence' is made from Australian Bush Flowers and a wonderful and helpful product that works.  Also 'camomile tea' is a wonderful relaxer as well as 'Sleepy Tea' again available from most supermarkets and health food stores.

  5. melotonin

  6. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer and will help to bring about relaxation.  It is a good idea to take this at night with your dinner meal.  It will kick in and help you get some rest at night.

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