
What are some natural ways to lower blood pressure?

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I am looking for natural ways to lower blood pressure besides excercise. I know there are supplements and other things besides drugs.




  1. Actually, the best way to reduce his blood pressure is to reduce the amount of stress he experiences. Stress is the primary cause of many diseases within the body, and most people are completely unaware of the amount of stress they are under because they are too focused in their brain and the body is being ignored. To prove this point, how many times have you witnessed someone who was diagnosed with a disease who never even knew something was wrong? Their body knew, but their brain didn't get the update. Unfortunately, this unawareness builds a momentum that, over time, causes the body to break down.

    Here are a few ways you can help your husband, and yourself enjoy reduced blood pressure and increase the enjoyment of your s*x life:

    1) Try meditation. This is the best way to slow the mind and bring awareness to the body and your Spirit. If practiced daily this alone will change your lives.

    2) Find a place that teaches Classical Hatha Yoga and take at least 4 classes to see if it speaks to you.

    3) Try Acupuncture - it really helps reduce stress immediately.

    4) Be with Nature. Don't bring your iPhone or your iPod. Just simply enjoy the abundant beauty Nature has to offer. You may just find a new special place for you and your husband to go and "get away from it all".

    5) Take control of your health by learning more about the Natural Health options for you. Don't rely on the insurance companies. They don't care about you - you need to care about you.

    I hope you find this helpful.



  2. garlic is very good also if your blood pressure is high sit and take big breaths or you should check that with a doctor cause is not good to have high blood pressure you have it all the time . good luck

  3. wow.  instead of using all these supplements and diets, why dont you just exercise?

  4. I heard that garlic or garlic tablets are good.

  5. I was in your same situation a few months ago. My husband had really high blood pressure for his age [he's only 29]. I was tired of his prescription meds because they hurt our s*x life...if you know what I mean.

    I found an article in a medical journal that answered my question. There are five different supplements that, when combined, lower blood pressure. I wasn't sure at first but now I'm a believer. My husband's been on them for a month now, and his blood pressure had gone down 15 points.

    They are: dandelion root, olive leaf, hawthorne extract, lycopene, and stevia. All of them you can find at a health food store. I wouldn't recommend going to Walmart to get them; they're usually not as good of quality. All are in pill form except for Stevia, which comes in either liquid or powder form. It's super sweet, almost unbearable, but add it to your coffee or something and it's not as bad.

    Hope that helps! Good luck. :)

  6. Yep garlic all the way!!! Garlic garlic garlic garlic garlic...Put in everything!!!!!!!!wahoooooooo

  7. Ive been told thing's with vingar in it will. Like pickel juice!

  8. diet , lose weight refrain from caffeinated drinks

  9. You are looking for the lazy way out, there isn't one.

    Proven natural ways to lower blood pressure:


    Stop smoking

    Lose Weight

    DASH Diet:

    Eat more vegetables

    Eat more fish

    Eat less junk food

    Eat less fat

    Eat less salt

    Eat less meat

    Avoid stress

    Get enough sleep

  10. I have to second the garlic idea. I had great luck with it during my pregnancy when I had super high BP. I think raw peob works best, But I took garlic capsules that worked too.

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