
What are some new movies that you liked?

by Guest34370  |  earlier

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What are your favorite movies?




  1. Sliding doors

    Raising Helen

    Legally Blond

  2. Juno

    Mamma Mia


    Dark Knight


    No Country for Old Men

  3. P.S. I Love You and Mama Mia is my fav

  4. Dark Knight and Hancock

  5. The Dark Knight...its one of the best movies i've seen in a long time there was just the right amount of humor action creepiness and darkness it made an amazing movie that kept you wanting more and i really enjoyed it!

    My favorite movies have to be The Lord of the rings trilogy everything about it is great the filming the story the characters it an all around great movie!

  6. The Dark Knight & also Get Smart, which was better than i expected

  7. Step Brother

    Tropical thunder

    DArk Knight

  8. The Dark Knight by far!

  9. The Dark Knight was the best movie I have seen in a while. Some other favorites are Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean (trilogy), 1408, Iron Man

  10. The last movie I saw was Smokie and the Bandit.

  11. every single movie from


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