
What are some new sexual ideas to try with wife that is not intercourse?

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We've already done quite a few things. I've gone down on her and shes gone down on me. But we want something new and im no t sure what to do. Or even if there is anything else. Can you please help us out?





  1. A romantic evening is part of what makes a marriage stronge, at least 1 night a week

  2. Alot of pervs on Y!A

  3. Massage with oils, or if she's up for it p**n. Here's two sites to try:  or

  4. Try a back massage, apparently there's a spot level with the hips in the middle of the back which may make her ***.

  5. massages, bubble baths are two of my favorite things that can be sexual without intercourse.  

  6. Take turns blindfolding each other.  It is really exciting because when wearing the blindfold, you don't know what your partner is going to do.  The person wearing the blindfold just has to relax and let the other person take over and do whatever they time, switch places/roles

  7. Watch 'movies' together works for some and not otherz

  8. Watch p**n together or tell each other fantasies.

  9. me i like to have my feet rubbed by my husband, by candle light, a nice conversation, and a little drink of your choice.

    or sit back and have a couple of beers thats if you drink while watching a comedy, laughing is always good for the soul.

  10. buy some toys, vids, try masturbating her, and I don't mean just rub one out on her C**t for her either, I mean do some homework and learn how to REALLY m********e her to get her a nice o****m.  there's a lot of literature out there to help you, just hit up your local adult bookstore, and hopefully you have one that is couple friendly and clean.

  11. have her have s*x with me while u video

  12. Read s*x stories with her. They can be filled with ideas to try out.

    A good site is

    If you'd like to return the favor:;...

  13. Go shopping for s*x toys together.  Try to find a place that's not so ghetto, for starters.  While you are both browsing the s*x toys, you'll come up with all sorts of ideas.  For a little extra excitement, each pick out one or two toys that the other doesn't see until it gets used.  Fun stuff!

    Some other ideas that don't cost money:

    -Mutual Masturbation

    -Role Playing

    -Massage from head to toe

    -Strip Tease for each other

    Have a fantastic time!

  14. try a little backdoor action. you have to go REALLY slow, but boy is it fun. Trust me.

  15. well,

    what my wife and I did once

    we both watch a certain type of, um, "movie?"  together

    and while we were watching it

    we -slowly-  keyword   -slowly-  welcomed each other to cross our sexual boundaries, again,  slowly, as we watched the, um,  "movie?" together,  paying attention to some key, um, "scenes", and acting out what we saw with slight variation to match our preference.

    this was amazing.  Then, the rest happened.  Which was mind blowing.


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