
What are some nice foods that don't require chewing?

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I have a broken jaw and I am not allowed to chew for six weeks.

I am soooo sick of soup, the only thing I can enjoy at the moment is avocado.

Any ideas?




  1. Get yourself a Pressure Cooker and make stew. You may be tired of soup because you are eating canned, or you are not changing your recipe.

    Use recipe search for new combinations. Go here: Go to the Leap Over Web Clutter section for tons of ideas.

    New combinations and spices is my suggestion.

  2. I've answered this before. Keep in mind you MUST "chew" with your tongue. But it is possible!!!

    Doctors often reccommend a BRAT diet when you have an upset stomach. This is fairly old-school, but it works. Bananas, Rice, Apple sauce and Toast. I would skip the toast completely, were I you, unless you can have almost-solid foods(see below). You're probably tired of bland or simple, one-ingredient foods, so I'll offer up what I eat when I just can't handle anything rough on my stomach.

    Edit: I totally forgot Oreos. "How could I possibly eat Oreos?" you may ask. Place a cookie on your spoon and hold it in your milk until it begins to fall apart easily. Devour. Omg, I love Oreo. Lol. I do this all the time.

    Here are two of my favorite foods:

    Apple Sauce and Cinnamon Toast-

    ~2 slices bread, lightly toasted (Soft, remember? <3 )

    ~1 teaspoon cinnamon-sugar, or to taste (OR 1/3 tsp. cinnamon and 2/3 tsp. sugar, well mixed)

    ~Butter or margarine, to taste (to hold the cinnamon sugar on the toast)

    ~Lots of apple sauce (I prefer original)

    Directions: Butter one slice of toast, sprinkle on cinnamon sugar, and load down with apple sauce. Repeat and layer. If you let it sit about 1 minute, it will be cold, but soft. Delicious! I call it cake, it's so good, and I layer it about 4 slices high.

    Greek Rice (for 4)-

    ~1 cup uncooked rice (You'll want yours to be soft, so when you cook it, add extra water. It still tastes good, but has a thick oatmeal texture. Note: Minute Rice does not cook soft very easily.)

    ~Water, as required (Follow package directions!)

    ~1 can cream of mushroom(Golden mushroom, or even cream of chicken)

    ~Greek seasoning, to taste (Cavender's is my favorite, and I blacken the top of my serving, then stir. But it can be salty if you add too much. Also available sodium-free.)

    ~Olive oil, margarine or butter, to taste

    Directions: Cook rice according to package directions, with the exception of adding the can of cream of mushroom or chicken and extra water as you need it. Cook up soft and thick since you are not going to want anything too chewy. Lightly oil or butter and stir in Greek seasoning.

    Suggestions: Super-steam some veggies, like broccoli or carrots and throw in during the last few minutes of cooking. And when you're better, try mushrooms if you like them. (I love them in this dish!)

    Also, here are some other suggestions:

    -Peanut butter and banana, with or without honey. A messy classic!

    -Refried beans, minus chips.(Yep, I eat them straight out of the can. Good with cheese.)

    -Fruit pie, minus the crust, 8 servings: Beat a can of sweetened, condensed milk into 8 oz. cream cheese and juice of 1/2 lemon/lime. Pour into pie/casserole dish or serving glasses. Top with soft fruits(banana, ripe kiwi) and/or softened, cooked fruits(berries, drained canned pie filling) and/or blended fruits (pureed peaches.) You won't regret the stickiness left in your pie pan.

    -Bananas and cream cheese: Slice a banana, top with a serving of cream cheese and a little lemon juice, maybe a drizzle of sweetened condensed milk, sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

    -PB & J straight from the bowl

    -Tomato soup with a dollop of sour cream

    -Homemade soups, pureed in a blender. (I suggest a carrot, avocado, or squash, but you can do this with anything.) For help, go to

    -Donburi with SOFT rice. Wikipedia( ) explains it, but it doesn't tell that Japanese people sometimes eat it soft, as in what your case calls for.

    -Mashers: blend your fave potato toppings into mashed potatoes. Mmm!

    -Smoothies/Homemade shakes (layer the flavor!)

    -Watermelon! (I never use my teeth to eat this, anyway. I love how juicy it is when I crush it with my tongue!!)

    -Other melon: cantaloupe, honeydew (Use caution!!)

    -Scrambled eggs/cheese omelets

    -Squash casserole

    -Tamale casserole(my grandmother's version, serves 4): 1 can Hormel(or other brand) chili, blended soft; 1 large can (I think it's about 20 oz.) Hormel tamales(or other brand [Hormel is very soft]), paper/husks removed; grated cheese of your choice. Place tamales in casserole dish, cover with chili. Bake on 350 for about 10-15 minutes, or until bubbly. Add cheese half-way through or at end. Serve with sour cream, guacamole, or whatever you like. Again, this is if you can have soft starches. I don't know if slightly gummy foods will work, as I don't know your condition.

    -Tamale pie(Mom's version): 1 can Hormel or other chili, pureed and placed in casserole dish. Top with a thin layer of cornbread batter. Bake on 350 until bubbly and cornbread has formed. Serve with cheese, sour cream, guacamole, etc.

    -Cheese grits

    -Baby food (Seriously, why not? I would.)

    Try going here, too:

    E-mail me for much more. I went home last night and tested different foods  

  3. Oatmeal, MaltOMeal, Grits, Cream of Wheat, Mashed Potaotoes, Rice (If you cook it long enough), Pudding, Jello, Tapioca, Squash (like Acorn squash mashed up with butter), Sweet Potatoes (mashed), milkshakes, smoothies, Protein shakes,

  4. broken jaw - what a bummer.  

    You could try a lentil dahl - the lentils go so soft that you don't have to chew.  

    What about pasta - you can overboil it so it practically falls apart, and if you had the soup pasta (very small pasta), that wouldn't require chewing.

    Jelly might be a good one (or Jello depending where you live!).  You could have some of that squirty cream in a can with it.

    Also you could try some nice drinks like milkshake, smoothies, cappucino or hot chocolate.

  5. ok this might sound a bit gross but you could liquidize your normal meals, my mum used to do it for me when I was a baby and its got me to love the foods I eat now.If you don't fancy that try things like yogurt with mashed banana,porridge,fruit smoothies, banana and chocolate milkshake. How to make it

    Chop up1banana and it in a liquidizer along with 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder and about 1 and a half glasses of milk.Blend till smooth and thick, put in a glass and enjoy.

  6. fairy floss



  7. mashed potato


  8. Yoghurt

    melted chocolate


  9. Hi again,

    The following may be of help to you.

    ~ ~ ~ For breakfast, try these toppings on very softly done wholemeal toast:

    scrambled eggs / tomatoes (tinned or fresh) / baked beans / bananas (put slices on toast, then stick in microwave for about 30 secs so that they turn into mush).

    Also, shredded wheat or wheetabix with bananna served in warm milk will turn to mush.

    ~ ~ ~ This is my nutritious 'spinach and bacon mash' recipe for a really quick meal that takes 20 mins.

    dice some potatoes up really small, boil for about 12 mins.

    In the meantime, really finely chop some onions, garlic, and the bacon (or ham).

    Rinse a huge bundle of spinach leaves.

    Put potatoes to one side when done, then with same pot sizzle up the onion, garlic, bacon in olive oil. Then add potatoes back to the pot (I actually just drain the water out when they are done, and push to the side of the pot, then add the other ingredients). Mash the potatoes up, adding the spinach leaves, maybe some milk and butter. Scoop into dish. Done.

    Herbs and dry chillis are other ingredients to try.

    Also, you could use other vegetables, such as peas, carrots, suede, etc. I would use a steamer if I were cooking these vegetables...while the potatoes are boiling underneath, they could be cooking at the same time, you just have to match the chopping sizes.

    ~ ~ ~ I hope you like potatoes, because classic British recipes I can think of are: shepherds pie, cottage pie, fisherman pie (must be loads more like these in the microwave section in the supermarket).

    Lots of luck with the healing of your jaw. ~

  10. protein shakes

    mashed potatoes



    and, if you're desperate: baby food.

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