
What are some non-fiction writings that you like?

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Hi, I usually read fictions books, I'm not very familiar with non-fiction works, so I just want to know about some non-fiction books, or writings that are persuasive...or, as my profesor said, works that "draw you in from the opening lines, or the nice turns of phrase across the text, or the use of images or metaphors that really sparkle, or the unexpected but persuasive turns in the argument, or the way the conclusion convincingly drives the main point home . . . "




  1. My best nonfiction books I read

    (1)The last laugh, by Phil Berger. Doesn't really belong in this list--it's good, but probably not great--but it's my favorite of the books I've finished lately.

    (2)Judgment under uncertainty: heuristics and biases, edited by Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, and Amos Tversky. An amazingly good book with an incredible quality level, especially considering it's an edited volume.

      (3)  Baseball's greatest quotations, by Paul Dickson. this charming nonfiction writer.

    Non Fiction refers to a type of classification by which books are broadly divided, the other being Fiction. Books are broadly classified into these two categories. A non fiction book refers to matters that are factual or that have actually occurred. It may however be the case that an author may be writing a book as if it were fact, but this may not be the case, he may be unaware of this. Then it is not necessary that work of non fiction necessarily contains written matter.

    A book that is composed entirely of photographs or maps, for instance can be a non fiction book as well. Similarly comics comprising only drawings can be defined as being fictional. Non Fiction books can include books on travelling, cookery, languages, self help books, history books etc.

    have a wonderful day princess xoxo

  2. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

    by Ishmael Beah

    Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux Publishers

    Beah was separated from his parents at age 12 when rebel soldiers attacked his village in Sierra Leone. By 13 he was a soldier, a killer many times over, armed to the teeth and wired on a mixture of cocaine and gunpowder. Beah's memory of his season in h**l, and his eventual rescue and rehabilitation, are painfully sharp, and his memoir takes readers behind the dead eyes of the child-soldier in a way no other writer has.

    The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness

    by Elyn R. Saks

    Publisher: Hyperion

    Saks was valedictorian at Vanderbilt and a Marshall scholar at Oxford before she got her law degree from Yale. She also suffers from schizophrenia that has caused her to experience wild hallucinations, debilitating paranoia and violent psychotic breaks. As a clear-eyed portrait of a brilliant mind run off the rails

    Out Stealing Horses: A Novel

    by Per Petterson

    Publisher: Graywolf Press

    Show of hands: Who would have picked up a quiet novel about an old man named Trond living in a frozen cabin in the middle of nowhere? Translated from the Norwegian? Anyone? Do it: Petterson's story about a retired man's chance encounter with a neighbor who is connected to a key event from his teens, is a page-turner. The encounter "pulls aside the fifty years with a lightness that seems almost indecent," and it all comes tumbling and rushing out: a tragic accident, family secrets, wartime lies, regrets too long buried, sins too long unforgiven.

  3. Go-Boy- A true Story of life behind bars --- Roger Caron

    Bingo-  An Eye Witness Account of the Kingston Penitentiary Riot -- Roger Caron

    The Iceman -Confessions of a mafia contract Killer- Phillip Carlo

    On the Run- A Mafia Childhood -Written by Greg and Gina Hill (Children of HEnry Hill, Infamous Wiseguy (Goodfellas)

    Befriend and Betray- Alex Caine

    I could read these books more then once!!! AMAZING books, highly recommended if you enjoy reading true crime novels

  4. The book "1776" by David McCullough is an excellent read. It's about the Revolutionary War, told by from the aspects of many different people and their views. I think it fits your description perfectly. Check it out!

    I hope I helped.

    -Miss Daisy  

  5. Jared Diamond: Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

    Mark Buchanan: The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks like You

    Henry Petroski: To Engineer Is Human : The Role of Failure in Successful Design

    John Kelly: The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time

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