
What are some non-traditional teaching roles outside of the US?

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I am a current education major and after I graduate I would like to have the opportunity to educate others before I go into teaching within public schools. I'm scared of the long term needs of the peace corps (however, "roughing it" is not an issue) and I wouldn't mind something for a couple of months, but I am having difficulty finding opportunities online. I'm open to interstate/international opportunities. I just want to get out there and do it!!!





  1. You could always consider the safety and security of teaching on a military base. Anywhere we have FAMILY MEMBERs-not war zones-we need CIVILIAN teachers who are government employees with government pensions and benefits. Bases everywhere from Hawaii, Germany, Japan, to Alaska, and the UK,  and more. Look into it- you don't like it-you quit and go home or choose another base.

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